Welcome to Just Bev Angelic Soaps

Just Bev Soaps and bath bombs are all handmade and homemade!! All our bars are created using essential pure oils & organic ingredients; this allows us to create pure and natural simple soap bars. We make small batches which are pure and because of this no two batches of soap come out the same, even when made with the same ingredients. Making each batch truly unique.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Spring and March Hares

Years ago I lived in Hertfordshire and I will never forget looking over the fields at the begining of March and seeing Hares in the field, I felt so blessed that they had shown themselves to me.  I have just been in the garden and everywhere you look the daffodils are shouting spring.  I love this time of year and even in the woods where I walk the dog the daffodils are coming out making us feel so alive.  I live in Sussex and driving along towards Steyning there is a field with the first little lambs, so sunshine and warm days are on their way.  I have a friend who lives near Perth Australia who is moaning about the heat, so I said I would send her a bottle of rain in exchange for a tank full of sunshine and warmth.  Have made some lovely bright spring coloured lollipop soaps, a great idea instead of the mountains of chocolate eggs kids have.  I remember mine never getting through them all and throwing them away, so folksy has lots of goods ideas for spring presents.  Have a look and you will be spoilt for choice.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for joining my blog, i have returned the compliment. Your lollipops are so effective, they are great.
