Welcome to Just Bev Angelic Soaps

Just Bev Soaps and bath bombs are all handmade and homemade!! All our bars are created using essential pure oils & organic ingredients; this allows us to create pure and natural simple soap bars. We make small batches which are pure and because of this no two batches of soap come out the same, even when made with the same ingredients. Making each batch truly unique.

Friday 18 March 2011

too quick setting

Yesterday made the dogs soap in the morning, great, just need to leave it a couple of days before I try to get it out of my drain pipe mold, watch this space.  In the afternoon I made cup cakes with Honeysuckle and English Rose, sounds like a summers day.  However, obviously the honeysuckle had a high alcohol content for the fragrance which set it off to trace at a very fast rate.  I ended up having to rush to get the soap into the cup cakes as I could not pour it, it is now like thick custard, I have to scoop and try and get it to go into each part of the mold, any way, word of warning, rushing got some on my arm and now have a lovely red arm where the lye burnt my skin.  Yes I did have two pairs of rubber gloves, but it go onto my skin above the gloves.  However on a really exciting note to me, I have had trouble with my botanicals going black, this week I used my new way of making soap and the nettles are green still in the soap so the Nettle and Lavender will be fantastic when it has dried.  Will unmold and see if cup cakes ok, if not will be selling them off as seconds.

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